You are going to set up a garden or develop green area? You do not know plants, techniques, landscaping and design? If so, better hire a landscape architect. You won’t lose unnecessarily nerves, save time and money.
In Poland, often people mislead profession of landscape architect with the gardener. I wonder if they can see with eyes of imagination that second-mentioned when sitting in front of the drafting table or computer which is necessary for creating exact plan of planting, technical drawings of elements and used technologies such as green roofs or watering. What is the main difference between those two professions?
What is the difference ?
The gardener takes care of the cultivation of vegetables, trees and ornamental plants. Landscape architect is responsible for the design and organization of the area. Is responsible for shaping the environment not only at home but also around the school, the entire estate or the shopping mall or city square or the entire district. Plans not only plants but also surfaces, small architecture, lighting. Statement of all these elements with the environment and requirements of the client, in such a way as to place has a unique character, while at the same time being functional.

Design assumption was to fit massive company’s headquarters into the surrounding landscape. The smooth lines of the road and plantings repeat the gentle shapes of the surrounding hills.
The establishment at the company's headquarters was to fit into the surrounding landscape. The smooth lines of the road and plantings repeat the gentle shapes of the surrounding hills.
What a landscape architect does?
Landscape architect has knowledge of engineering, materials, design, botany and art science. It can be said that it is assumed direct control, a painter, a technician and a gardener in one. Shapes the friendly people space, combining functionality and aesthetics. Design that each project must have some unique attribute something that makes the space is one-of-a-kind named genius loci.
My Professor of WARSAW AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, Professor Edward Bartman was saying that landscape architect must also explore and educate people showing them diversity and capabilities of the plan of the space around them so it is friendly both to man and the environment. The place which in a unique way building positive emotions, as befits for true art.
However official description of the profession determines that landscape architect „shall draw up programmers and projects for the construction and modernization of landscape architecture and green, as well as projects for the conservation and landscaping areas no urbanized in order to preserve and develop diversity, singularity and beauty of the landscape „.
Now more often landscape architect is an equal co-creator of planning assumptions. Works with the entire design team of estate, squares, parks, waterfronts rivers, roads or highways. Recently, it also has the additional tasks related to retention, discharge even and safe for the environment and human water for example a sudden, heavy rainfall.
Why hire a landscape architect?
Some consider the employment landscape architect for unnecessary expense. „Just after all, plant a few plants and we will have a garden.” But do you know which of them best take on your site? Which plants to select, in order to be safe for children? If you can arrange and rearrange the space so that it becomes a cozy, year-round garden that matches the architecture of the building? Did you know that the surface to choose for a forest garden and which for strongly sunny patio? Which lamp to choose, to highlight the tree and that, to create a climate in the gazebo? Do you have a trusted subcontractors who can carry out all these works?
Or maybe you are going to hire a random, but above all a cheap company? Profit, resulting from such action is only in short term but the long run do not benefit at all. Gentlemen, „local”, though cheap, often do not know for example the spruce has a variation of the scrubby and one that easily reaches 30 m high (easy to guess, which cover better an ugly view) that conifers prefer different pH soil level than even beech, there will also be professional, do not do the gazebo, lighting installation, water element, a well-functioning system of automatic irrigation and many other items.
If you are not gardener you probably do not know when is the term cut for example Forsythia or mock-orange. Is it worth the risk? In my opinion, absolutely not.
I rearranged many a poorly made garden. Very often, it turned out that you have to start work from the beginning, but first clean the area of inept work by accidentally selected company.
What are the benefits of hiring landscape architect ?

Garden suited to the style of architecture and the place.
With landscape architect gain primarily qualified advisor, that knowing the conditions on your plot, soil type and pH, sunlight terrain or the direction of the prevailing winds in the area. Can offer the best solution to fit your vision of the land. It accurately suggests, how to hide a view on dull neighbor house, or if your lawn will grow under the nut and so plans plantings plants, to view the garden at different times of the year aroused delight.
Will listen to the needs of everyone and will offer something for everyone so that the whole family will be happy from the garden.
6 things that provides a landscape architect:
- Customize the garden to environmental conditions and investor’s needs
- Garden plan
- Plan stages of the construction of the garden
- Verified, trusted subcontractors
- Operation according to best practices
- Fulfillment of the legal requirements of the investment